Reclaim Motherhood
a Q & A handbook for mindful motherhood
Say NO to the system, and YES to your intuition
We make choices every day when it comes to our motherhood. What we feed them. What we give them. What we allow in our homes. What we say to them. What the emotional atmosphere is like. What their schedule includes. Who their schedule includes. And so much more. Motherhood is pieced together by all these small choices we make for our children, and it is unique to each woman.
Oftentimes, mothers feel very overwhelmed by all these small choices and look for a cheat sheet to help guide them in the direction where they feel they will succeed in their mothering. Friends, there is no formula or cheat sheet or easy button when it comes to your motherhood.
But there is education. And where there is knowledge, there is power…in YOU as a mom. I wrote Reclaim Motherhood for those mothers who are tired of outsourcing their power to other people. The mothers who have realized that the cost of disempowerment is just too high.
The good news is we can do better. We can own our voice and our motherhood. We can discern what contributes to our children’s health and wellbeing, and what does not. We can find confidence in knowing what to do — how to speak up, what questions to ask, and how to utilize our resources to make informed decisions from a place of motherly wisdom. Reclaiming motherhood is not the easier path. I’ll be the first to admit there are many challenges. It can feel easy to go with the flow, but the price you pay for compromising your motherhood is the wellness of your children. I want you to know that you do not have to compromise. There is a better way. Reclaim Motherhood is a book for you. Not because I know everything, but because I want you to know what I know. It can be a great step in the direction of you owning your motherhood confidently and mindfully.
188 pages